Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mom's hats

I have been working on hats for my mom for some time. She has ovarian cancer and is now losing her hair due to the chemo. (Don't worry she is doing great. They were able to remove all of the cancer.) I made five hats in all, but I only have pictures of two. Here are Chase and I doing a bit of modeling. I don't have the other pictures anymore as she already has them. I can't wait to send these to her.

Chase wanted me to say that this is not the hat he would chose to wear. It is not his color or style. Hm. I think he looks cute.

I have also been working on this for myself.

It is a Pi Shawl by Elizabeth Zimmerman. I am completing it with unspun Icelandic Wool from School House Press. I love this yarn. It is a bit tricky to work with at first, because it pulls apart. However, I am finding it very therapeutic because I have to have very steady hands or risk the yarn breaking.

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